Atlas Health & Dental Claims

Step 2. Claim Form and Documentation

Fill in your health or dental claim form

Please see the list of items below just in case you need to attach anything to your claim form: us having everything first time round will make your claim process much simpler and faster.

Please ensure that you fill out all the relevant sections of the claim form, including the GP and/or specialist sections.

We encourage you to make a copy of everything for yourself, and then send your claim form to us at Atlas Healthcare, Abate Rigord Street, Ta’ Xbiex XBX 1121, or submit it online in Step 3 above!

Important: Please note that claim settlements by cheque are subject to a €4 charge. Therefore we strongly recommend you provide us with your direct credit details with your next claim.

If you still have a query after reading this section, please mail us on [email protected] or call on 21322600.

Documents or information required with claim form:
Original receipts
Please provide us with original receipts attached to your claim form (by original receipt we mean a stamped GP receipt or a receipt issued by the hospital). Credit card chits are not considered receipts for treatment. If the charge is for more than one treatment e.g. consultations and blood tests, then we would require an itemized receipt indicating the cost of each individual treatment.
Blood tests
If blood tests are a part of your treatment/claim, we would require a list of the blood tests done. The results are not necessary but we may request them from time to time if it is essential to the finalization of your claim.
Outpatient diagnostics such as x-rays/ultrasounds or other tests
If outpatient diagnostic tests are done such as an x-ray, an ultrasound or a smear test, we would not usually ask for the result unless it is essential to the consideration of the claim. It is however, advisable to send in a copy of the results, to avoid delays in any related future claims or pre-authorizations for further treatment.
Mammograms/bone density tests
In the case of mammograms and bone density tests (unless being specifically claimed under the preventive care extension as routine check-ups), a copy of the result is always required to be able to finalize the claim. Please do note that although most out-patient treatment does not require prior approval from your health insurer, these tests must be pre-authorised; therefore it is important to call the claims department for more information to avoid disappointment.
Physiotherapy or alternative therapy
In the case of physiotherapy and/or alternative therapy, it is important to always present the referral from your GP and/or specialist. Again, this treatment requires pre-authorization. A claims handler would be able to guide you further on how to present your documentation and what to ask for.
How is this different if I am insured through a group or through a broker?
All claims are assessed by our health claims department. The group or the broker may make different arrangements with us on how claims are submitted at their discretion. If you are insured through a group, ask the group secretary whether to send claims directly to us, if not, then submit them there in a sealed envelope for data protection purposes. If you are insured through a broker, you may check this out with them directly.
Documents or information required with claim form:
Original receipts
Please provide us with original receipts attached to your claim form (by original receipt we mean a stamped GP receipt or a receipt issued by the hospital). Credit card chits are not considered receipts for treatment. If the charge is for more than one treatment e.g. consultations and blood tests, then we would require an itemized receipt indicating the cost of each individual treatment.
Blood tests
If blood tests are a part of your treatment/claim, we would require a list of the blood tests done. The results are not necessary but we may request them from time to time if it is essential to the finalization of your claim.
Outpatient diagnostics such as x-rays/ultrasounds or other tests
If outpatient diagnostic tests are done such as an x-ray, an ultrasound or a smear test, we would not usually ask for the result unless it is essential to the consideration of the claim. It is however, advisable to send in a copy of the results, to avoid delays in any related future claims or pre-authorizations for further treatment.
Mammograms/bone density tests
In the case of mammograms and bone density tests (unless being specifically claimed under the preventive care extension as routine check-ups), a copy of the result is always required to be able to finalize the claim. Please do note that although most out-patient treatment does not require prior approval from your health insurer, these tests must be pre-authorised; therefore it is important to call the claims department for more information to avoid disappointment.
Physiotherapy or alternative therapy
In the case of physiotherapy and/or alternative therapy, it is important to always present the referral from your GP and/or specialist. Again, this treatment requires pre-authorization. A claims handler would be able to guide you further on how to present your documentation and what to ask for.
How is this different if I am insured through a group or through a broker?
All claims are assessed by our health claims department. The group or the broker may make different arrangements with us on how claims are submitted at their discretion. If you are insured through a group, ask the group secretary whether to send claims directly to us, if not, then submit them there in a sealed envelope for data protection purposes. If you are insured through a broker, you may check this out with them directly.

Hello, I’m Margaret, a member of the Health Underwriting team.
Speak to me or one of my colleagues if you require any assistance on Health Insurance.

Our chat is open Monday to Friday: 8:30am to 5:15pm

Outside these hours, you can leave a chat message or send an email to [email protected]