Atlas Insurance

Atlas Insurance employees make waves of change for a greener future

Atlas Insurance, through its employees, upped its active contribution towards creating a sustainable and environmentally conscious society as TeamAtlas enthusiastically endorsed the Change for Change challenge. The challenge is the latest in a series of initiatives by the movement Wave of Change, founded by Malta’s own Olympian clean seas activist Neil Agius with whom Atlas Insurance has an outstanding collaboration.

TeamAtlas was introduced to the Change for Change challenge by Neil Agius himself and the team at Wave of Change during a webinar which delved into the threats to the ocean and the environment at large stemming from human activity. The webinar also focused on how sustainable choices play a crucial role in reversing environmental damage and provided practical examples of conscious decisions that prioritise the long-term health of the planet. These practical measures were incorporated into the challenge under three categories of responsible consumption themed ‘Dress for Change’, ‘Eat for Change’ and ‘Live for Change’.

At organisation level, the sustainability challenge was tailor-made to create a fun and friendly competition over the month of June. A dedicated team was assigned to organize the challenge, and they curated a checklist comprising 27 tasks, drawing upon the knowledge shared during the webinar. Seven teams of employees took part, striving to check off every challenge on the list. Remarkably, they accomplished a total of 413 completed tasks. As a reward for their outstanding efforts, the top three teams will be gifted an evening of eco-friendly food and wine tasting at Vincent’s Eco Estate.

Praising the enthusiasm of his team, Atlas Insurance CEO Matthew von Brockdorff said: “Our organisation takes immense pride in supporting Neil Agius, and equally so in our employees who have not only shown their support for Neil but have also taken the initiative to become agents of change themselves. We are incredibly proud of Neil and of our own change makers at Atlas Insurance who are shaping a better future.”

Bernice Casha, Project Manager at Wave of Change, added that “We are thrilled to see how TeamAtlas took ownership of the Change for Change campaign and used the internal competition to get creative and challenge each other to make more planet-friendly choices. We believe it’s through these little behavioural changes, that are easy to maintain and can quickly become habits, that we can collectively make an impact and move towards healthier and more sustainable lifestyles.”



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TeamAtlas adopts practices that eliminate the use of single use plastics